Tools to Help Get You Started

Thanks for sticking around! So, we have talked about the importance of planning and the basic dos and don’ts to facilitate your journey to a healthier you. Today I want to share some tools that could be helpful to you. There are many tools out there, from apps for...

Am I An Oddball?

I am finding that I am an “oddball”. Of course, people who know me well are nodding their heads and saying ‘duh! You just realized that?!’ So, let me be more specific: I love to cook. I am not a great cook and I am not a gourmet cook, but I can recognize and smash a...

The Benefits of an Injury

Ha!  I thought maybe I would get some attention with that! It isn’t what you think, but the statement has been true for me recently.  While on vacation last week, I ‘tweaked’ my knee.  It is better now, but I had quite a bit of pain at one time, had to spend time in...