Thanks for sticking around! So, we have talked about the importance of planning and the basic dos and don’ts to facilitate your journey to a healthier you. Today I want to share some tools that could be helpful to you. There are many tools out there, from apps for your mobile devices to books and cookbooks. I have selected a few that I have found invaluable to my own journey and have subsequently used in helping many of my clients as they work to reach their health and fitness goals.
Setting goals, having something specific we are working toward, increases the likelihood of our success. One of the tools I introduce my clients to is the Fitbook. This handy little notebook allows you to set long- and short-term goals, track exercise and eating habits, rate your daily workouts and eating, and make any other notations that could be helpful for you or your trainer in modifying your plan. Of course you have to take the time to enter the information, but this little notebook is just that, little. It is small enough to carry in your gym bag and is formatted to make recording information easy, with icons to assist in your notations. There is also a mobile app to go along with it, but I like the paper/pencil better because it is easier to use for various ‘exercises’ I do with clients to get them to take ownership of the choices, and sometimes changes, they need to make. I find that it is also easier to flip back to previous weeks and have a good visual for the progress that has been made. It is set up for a 12-week plan, and I find that after using it for 12 weeks, it is either worth the investment to buy another, or the habits have been established and tracking can move in a different direction.
If you are a die-hard techie and an ‘app’ person, a great one is the one that supports the Fitbit. I suggest this one partly because I love the Fitbit products, but also because the app/online platforms are so user- friendly. Fitbit also syncs with ‘MyFitnessPal’, another popular app, which allows the information to be shared. This is nice because my clients can give me permission to view their food and exercise diaries. This allows me to hold them accountable to specific choices, and help them more precisely when they are struggling and need modifications.
If you like to have your own personal cheerleader (besides your personal trainer, that is), the Fitbit products are great! They incorporate a variety of messaging and positive reinforcement, from vibrations to visual (text) messaging that cheer you on as you pursue and reach daily and weekly goals that you have personalized. I like the way the dashboard allows you to ‘favorite’ your exercise and food entries so that you don’t have to retype them. You can quickly choose from a list that it keeps for you, shortening the time it takes for you to enter your activities and food choices for the day. Again, this information is stored and can be viewed later to note progress and for making modifications as you hit milestones in your pursuit of the goals you have set.DSC_0377
As for food planning, I am a huge fan of the South Beach Diet Plan and the Quick and Clean Diet Plan.  I have mentioned these before. Both use a three-phase plan for weight loss. The first stage helps you restrict problem foods that are high in sugar, fat and simple carbs so we can get a handle on our cravings and begin to retrain our metabolism. The second phase allows us to become grounded in our new food choices and mindset. The final phase is where we get to practice our lifelong commitment to better eating. I like these two plans because they are practical, and begin with layman’s explanations for the reasoning behind their shared philosophy. They give great lists of food to enjoy and avoid as well as menu plans with detailed information, if one is interested, about how our bodies use the different types of fuel we give them. I know people in the medical field who endorse this methodology. Both (my endocrinologist and a client who is a nurse) indicate that the South Beach Plan in particular is medically sound and practical.

Now that we have established some of the basic supports needed for a successful journey toward your fitness goals, such as planning, good practices, and helpful tools, let’s get ready for some practical, everyday applications of this information and the tools mentioned. Next time, I am going to share some experiences with actual clients, where these supports were practically applied, with successful and even fun outcomes. Until next time, be well and make good choices!
Your Best Fitness Friend