There is a sign in my studio that says, “This is my Happy Place”. Granted, it is only ONE of my happy places, as I am blessed to have many! There are several reasons my studio is my happy place, I get to work with a great group of clients there, I get to work on new ideas there, I create videos to help others there, and one key thing for me—I challenge myself there.


I am not very good about challenging myself in other ways.  I struggle with the challenge of writing every day, I struggle with practicing things I am not good at (like golf) and the challenge involved in those things can really get to me.  However, I find that challenging myself physically comes a little more naturally.  I like trying new exercises, pushing myself to do longer, faster, more. This brings me to the subject at hand. But let me fill in a little background first.


Recently, I decided to challenge myself by setting a goal to work out at home several times per week. I did this for several reasons, one being the fact that many of my clients do not have gym memberships and therefore, need to learn to work out at home in order to get a sufficient number of good work outs each week. Generally, they don’t love working out as much as I do (go figure!) so, this can be a challenge.  In order to experience their struggles and, hopefully, give some helpful insights and hints, I like to put myself ‘in their shoes’. So, several months ago, I decided to bring my work outs home, and skip the gym-but only for a few weeks.  That was back in the spring.  It is now the end of summer, and I am back at the gym.  As a matter of fact, I worked out more times at the gym this past week, than I did the previous two months! Talk about a plateau…..and one that I never saw coming and didn’t realize I was contributing to.


Not only did I open myself up to walking in my clients’ shoes, I also laid the foundation for a major plateau.  I am NOT saying that working out at home is bad, not in the least.  Some of my best, sweatiest work outs happened at home over the past 4-5 months. But, what I did find out, is that we can CREATE, or at least contribute to a negative turn in our health journey without realizing that our choices are at fault.


Over the next few installations, I would like to share what this experience looked like, the toll it took and how I got back on track.  I hope you will stick around and be encouraged by my experience as I share it with you!


Until next time, Be Well!

Your Bff