Whether you like making New Year’s resolutions or not, you have probably at least taken stock of where you are and where you want to go.  To make 2017 your best year yet, consider making small adjustments by doing the first four things on our list and not doing the last!!  You will end the year looking and feeling great because of the changes you made!

  1. Drink more water-half your weight in ounces is the goal
  2. Feed your body real food every four hours and cook it yourself-eating out should be a treat!
  3. Move your body for at least 30 minutes, each day, doing something you love that makes your heart pound!

    Move your body for 30 minutes everyday, doing something you LOVE-because then you will actually DO IT!

    Move your body for 30 minutes everyday, doing something you LOVE-because then you will actually DO IT!

  4. Keep track of your eating and exercising; write it down or use an app or tell a buddy/coach
  5. Don’t skip meals, veggies, or sleep

If you want this year to be different, you have to do something differently.  Here’s to making this year one of true and doable changes that you can stick with!

Make 2017 great!  Be well-Your Bff

(Re-issue from the archives)