I am totally stepping outside of the box here and I am going to do something I have not done previously.  I am going to share in this space what I have previously only shared in my private Facebook group.  We are in the midst of a challenge for the holidays–instead of waiting for New Year’s resolutions, we are shaping things up NOW.

The idea is to use the videos I have created in a schedule that fits your life.  Preferably your week will consist of three workout days, three cardio days and one rest day. Most people alternate the workouts and cardio days, but you don’t need to because the workout circuits each address a different muscle group.  Make it fit YOUR life!  So here goes-from my private group page-the Best Fitness Friend Holiday Challenge!

——-Hey gang! Wow, it’s been awfully quiet out there! I’m beginning to think you didn’t like my outfit in the first set of videos or something!!
Seriously, after a few technical difficulties, I’m posting a second video. These exercises are just a bit more advanced and I am just demonstrating and not doing full sets. I was going to wait and post this for after Christmas (our third phase) but decided you may like this outfit, I mean, workout better.
My intention is for you to work out using these body weight/free weight exercises three times per week and cardio 2-3 days, with rest days in between, so you can adjust the schedule to fit your life.  However, I PROMISE if you just take it one day at a time, and try to fit in 20-30 min of any of the lists/videos I have shared, you WILL feel better when you are finished, that day, then that week, each time getting a little easier, as you get stronger. At the very least, a few days of working out and thinking more about healthy choices will feel better than ignoring your health until the new year when EVERYONE decides to get fit….be a TREND SETTER- start now, you won’t regret it.
If you cannot possibly fit in 20-30 minutes because of all of your other commitments-
Keep showing up HERE to learn tips for other ways to positively impact your choices for a healthier lifestyle!
Here is the list– please give it a shot- you can do this- I’m here for you!
If you are interested in the videos, comment below and I will send you a link!
Phase 2 exercises-do 12-15 reps each/3 sets is best, but 2 will do! img_3539
Shoulder tap plank
Arm dips-2 versions
Piked mountain climber
Lying fly
Lying skull crusher
Inner thigh squeeze
Chair squats
Curtsy lunge
Leg lifts
Standing twist
Standing extended crunch
Extended bow
Overhead circles to halo
Side bends/crunch