Something struck me today as I watched my Facebook and Instagram feeds fill up with pictures of the first day of school-and it has to do with timing. Many of my friends/followers are moms sending their little ones off to school. What a PERFECT time to re-assess priorities, schedules–LIFE.

I don't have a 'First Day' pic, but this IS Kindergarten! Wow, that was long ago!! (bottom right)

I don’t have a ‘First Day’ pic, but this IS Kindergarten! Wow, that was long ago!! (bottom right)



My daughter (who gave me my first grandchild in January) said just yesterday “Well, when Henry goes to school in a few years, I’ll be able to have a regular workout schedule.” She’s looking forward to being where many of you are this week-a day in the future when she might have a little time to take care of herself. I like to encourage my clients (and other Bffs) to take appropriate time to care for themselves. I’m careful, and use the word ‘appropriate’ on purpose. I’m not encouraging self- absorption, but I am encouraging you to intentionally take care of yourselves, and the vehicle that carries you through each day (your bodies), so you can care for the other people and the responsibilities of life from a healthier, more energetic and stable vantage point.


Right now is the time– because the gyms are empty, the weather is changing, and your schedule probably is, too. Take advantage of the fact that you are already making some modifications. Here are areas of life you might consider changing:


  1. Change your eating-if you pack your kids’ lunches, pack yours, too!
  2. Schedule time to get physical-even if it’s the 10 extra minutes you now have because they catch the bus-get busy! You can find short work outs on the following websites:,,…and of course, if you are looking for a more personal touch-yours truly would love to help!
  3. Fill a water bottle and keep filling it, every day! Make it part of your new routine.
  4. Get out of the rut. try a new recipe or two, or a food you have never tried. And, don’t use your kids as an excuse-they are probably more open to change than you are!
  5. Commit. Most of us do not follow through on the commitments we make to ourselves, for ourselves, like we do to our bosses/family/friends. Start now-make a promise you can keep and KEEP IT today. Tomorrow, make another (or the same) promise, and keep it. Soon you will find that you have developed a new habit-actually, two-you are making a healthy choice and you are keeping the promises you make to yourself!


If you are struggling to get started, or just can’t seem to make this work on your own, I am here to help!  Connect with me!  I would be happy to be part of your healthy journey in whatever ways I can!


Until next time, be well (and keep your promises)-

Your Bff