This time of year always stirs a strong desire in me- a desire to purge.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not condoning an unhealthy lifestyle choice.  I am referring to the need to take back control after weeks of being bashed about by the waves of temptation that come every year from Thanksgiving through the New Year. Many people can maintain during the holidays, sticking with their conviction to eat and celebrate in healthy ways, making choices that support their health goals.  Others count on annual resolutions to help them get back on track.  For me, it is purging-I have to get rid of all the sneaky little bad habits that have stealthily and steadily made their way into my life and created disparity between my attempts to remain in control and the reality of my weaknesses.

So, along with all the decorations, extra bed linens from house guests, dirt from neglected housework and gifts from another lovely season of celebrations, those habits need to be cleaned up, put away, and banished.  Thus, we begin the process of purging.

Don’t panic!  This does not need to be overwhelming-start small, just be sure to start today! Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Drink more water. One of the easiest ways to purge, physically, is to just drink more water. No need to spend money on detox elixirs, or time searching for some magic detox recipe, just increase the amount of water you drink.  With all the fun things available to eat and drink over the holidays and changes in the regular schedule, I know I am not drinking my normal, needed amounts ( ½ my weight in ounces).  Even adding a glass a day until you reach that amount is a great approach to a healthy choice.
  2. Cleanse your cabinets. During the holidays my cabinets, fridge and freezer seem to mutate. Items I don’t normally purchase suddenly appear!  Now, none of us want to be frivolous or wasteful and some of us feel the best solution is to simply (and quickly) eat the food we shouldn’t, just to get rid of it.

    Some of us feel the best solution is to simply (and quickly) eat the food we shouldn’t, just to get rid of it. Yikes!

    I would like to suggest that you consider other options so you aren’t postponing your return to healthiness.  You could consider donating the foods you want to remove, or you could create meals for others out of the ingredients and bless them with the gift of an unexpected, free dinner. You might also be able to creatively incorporate these items into a healthy meal for yourself. Regardless, find a way to get it out of sight, at the very least.  Some items might be okay at a later date, find a place to store them or freeze them-out of sight, out of mind (and belly!)

  3. Clean your drawers. Believe it or not, cleaning out your closet and drawers can be motivating and empowering! You may need to do this anyway to make room for new items you received, or just do it as part of the cleansing process, like I do.  I use this simple test-if I have not worn it in over a year, I don’t like it enough to keep it. Wearing clothes that I like, that fit well and that make me feel confident offer a mental boost that helps to launch me in a better direction.

There you have it, my plan for the annual purge.  Thanks for allowing me to indulge myself and my need to clean things up a bit.  I would like to think there are a few others out there who struggle in the same way and may have found some helpful suggestions-If you have other suggestions, please leave them in the comments below –thanks for sharing!

One final word: I commend you for taking steps toward achieving a better lifestyle by investing your time in learning about better choices. I would love to assist you as you continue this venture! I want to hear your story and learn more about how I can help you continue to make better choices for a healthy lifestyle by becoming ‘Your Best Fitness Friend’! Email me or comment below so we can get started!

Until next time, be well-

Your Best Fitness Friend, Suzy