When I was in about 5th or 6th grade, my mom bought me a bulletin board for my room.  It was a Ziggy cartoon (yep!  I’m dating myself!).  He was standing in a messy room and had a smirk on his face- it said:  ‘Why do it today, when you can put it off ‘til tomorrow?’  -that’s because there was a running joke in my family about what a procrastinator I was! I appreciate the light-hearted way my mom addressed the issue of my habit of procrastinating. Her positive approach has certainly helped, but I still struggle with that habit.

I share this because habits interest me-the idea that our ‘minds’ are so powerful, yet controllable, is intriguing.  I have learned to put strategies in place to help me overcome or change some of my less ‘helpful’ habits and hope to help you do the same.  I love Stephen Covey’s series of habit books, so we are going to borrow a bit from him as we explore some of the habits highly effective exercisers often employ.

Many of us hate even the idea of exercising; some of us get beyond the dislike and do it because it is ‘good for us’.  Whether you love or hate exercising- it IS good for us to find sustainable ways to consistently move our bodies for a better, more enjoyable life. Additionally, whether we love or hate exercise, at some point we ALL have found excuses not to do it.  Here are some suggestions for developing the habit of being a  ‘Highly Effective Exerciser’!


  • Have your gear ready at all times– Find a bag and pack it with what you need. A lock for a locker, extra clothes (in case you are out decide to stop at the gym spontaneously), deodorant, even shoes and a water bottle.  Keep the bag packed and ready, in your car or another place you will see it every day.  The visual cue is very effective at impacting our brain and influencing our decision to actually GO to the gym for a workout. Sometimes it’s planned, often it isn’t-but you will go more often.Gym Bag with Clipping Path
  • Learn to find ways to multi-task-We are so good at doing this in other areas of life. I often have laundry running while dinner is cooking and I am cleaning or doing dishes (often between sessions with clients in my home studio).  To multi-task your exercise, just think of ways you can combine activities. For example, if you sit at a desk for work (at home OR an office) switch your desk chair out for a stability ball.  You are exercising without realizing it as your core tries to keep you balanced and stabilized on the ball!  The good old-fashioned, ‘park away from your work or shopping’ and ‘take the stairs’ are tried and true, too!  However, make it better-find a safe parking place really away, like ¼ or ½ mile away, and walk to work and jog back to your car.
  • Invest in workout clothes and good shoes-women in particular-we allow a dirty sports bra or top to stop us from working out. Even the guys don’t want to stink up the gym too much!  So, buy more workout clothes so you won’t have that excuse. Plus, if you have invested hard-earned money in clothes and shoes (and other gear) you will be more likely to feel compelled to USE them. In my opinion-make sure they are CUTE, ladies-it will motivate you to see the improvements and ways you are developing your assets!
  • Use a tracker-I can’t say it enough-tracking WILL motivate you-even if it is just in the beginning of your journey. Some people find they don’t need the motivation later, however, MOST of us will slack off without it. There are so many different ways to track – from the simplest, and least expensive –a notebook or journal- to the more expensive but versatile and simple to use, fitness trackers. Using social media or an app where you can be part of a group –for challenges and motivation- are great resources, too.
  • Have a plan-I prefer to approach things positively, however the following saying is true: ‘If you fail to plan, plan to fail’. If you walk into the gym, or start a workout at home without a plan, I promise it will not be as satisfying or effective as it would be if you had a plan. If you work with a trainer, part of their job is to provide the framework for a plan, provide you with a plan, and/or educate you in creating your own plans (which, personally, is my ultimate goal, and leads to higher rates of long-term success).
    I love the FitBook for tracking my eating and exercise habits!

    I love the FitBook for tracking my eating and exercise habits!

    The plan can be simple: ‘I am going to warm up with 10 minutes of cardio, use the arm and shoulder machines on the gym floor and finish with a 10 minute run on the treadmill’. When you finish what you set out to accomplish, you feel good-physically AND mentally.

  • Have a work out buddy– make or find friends who will join you in this endeavor! Exercise can be more fun when you are with someone who shares you goal of a healthier lifestyle.  Just because it is more fun, doesn’t mean it is less effective!  However, as mentioned above-your time is spent more efficiently if you have a plan for what you want to accomplish, so make sure your goals are similar, or at least compatible.
  • Participate in a challenge-Really it comes down to accountability. Studies show that having a layer of accountability to your overall approach to living a healthy lifestyle leads to a higher level of success. Joining online challenge groups or participating in a challenge at work has become very popular lately and I have seen an increase in excitement and commitment among my own clients who participate in these groups.  If you aren’t super competitive, there are lots of ways to incorporate accountability-from hiring a trainer, to setting goals and recording your progress in a journal. I have even had clients ‘pay’ themselves for working out and eating well-setting aside a certain amount of money for each good choice they make and then rewarding themselves with a pre-determined purchase when they reach their milestone/dollar amount.  Be creative!  Figure out what motivates YOU!

I have found that incorporating some or all of these strategies leads to higher levels of success in making exercise a natural, and even enjoyable part of life.  You may even find yourself ‘craving’ your exercise time if you miss it-but only if you make it a habit!  Remember, DON’T put off ‘til tomorrow, what you SHOULD do today!!  (wink, wink)-Now get to it!!

See you next time-we will talk about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Eaters!

Until then, be well-

Your Bff, Suzy