I have a private group page on Facebook and today I noticed some real struggles being expressed.  It always makes me sad to see this, I like to see people succeeding and feeling good, however, I also know that this is a reality, for my friends, and sometimes, for me.  I have to acknowledge that  this is probably the case every day-some days some of us feel strong and other days others are strong. I decided to share a bit of the conversation here, to allow for a wider audience and commentary so –Let’s be strong for each other!

(quoting) If you are struggling, please share, no one is judging, but someone (or everyone) may benefit from knowing they are not alone in their own struggle. AND the responses may serve as encouragement or admonishment -whichever is needed.

Sometimes just sharing-admitting and owning the struggle will help get us back on track!

I am currently taking a course called Master Your Mind Master Your Body-I am hoping it will be helpful – not only for me, but for me to share with others. You will begin hearing about it very soon.

Remember-much of the battle is in our minds-we have to be strong there in order to be strong in other ways. I have to challenge myself daily, sometimes each minute, to THINK about my choices-snacking or cheating is actually ok-you should eat the things you love-however, you have to be sure YOU are

Make sure you make choices mindfully, and enjoy those choices FULLY!

Make sure you make choices mindfully, and enjoy those choices FULLY!

choosing it and not mindlessly participating in the enjoyment. If you are going to partake, partake FULLY and enjoy the chocolate or chips. I guarantee, however, that you will choose it less often, the more you engage mindfully.

Further, this applies to food that is “good” for you, too. Sometimes one good food is better than another, depending on what you have been doing (activity) or will be doing. For instance, if you just worked out, make sure you eat foods that will replenish your body. Also, you should almost always eat at least a little protein when you eat carbs. Or, making sure you nourish your body every 3.5 -4 hours so you can keep your blood sugar at a consistent level.

So, even healthy choices need to be made mindfully.

Stay tuned and I will share more of what I am learning about mastering our minds so we can master (and love, appropriately) our bodies!

Be well!  Your Bff