As we conclude this month of LOVE and our series of a “Month of 3s” I am sharing this important article. It is a good reminder or guide (depending on your status) of what a healthy relationship can (and should) look like. If you happened to check out an earlier blog on this site, which discusses the SPICES that go into each of our’ life-recipes’ you may have noted that healthy, supportive relationships influence our successful journeys, they are one of the “S”s of those ‘spices’-the social aspect!

Loving, supportive relationships are integral to a successful life transformation!

Loving, supportive relationships are integral to a successful life transformation!

Instead of writing an “open letter to spouses of my clients” as I have often thought of doing-this article is FAR better at covering the subject of loving and supporting those closest to you-especially those who are going through a transformation, as most of my clients are. The suggestions in this article are spot on for couples, but many of them can also apply to anyone in close relationships-children, parents, siblings-who are part of your network and support system-especially if you are experiencing a transformation or transition in your life.

Read the article here:

So, I hope this list has some helpful reminders, suggestions and affirmations for you, as it certainly did for me.  I am grateful that my husband and I have a special relationship (he shared the article with me-so I think he feels the same way), and that I have many special relationships on which I can depend and experience love and support. I hope that you have the same beneficial relationships to count on.

I love being part of other peoples’ lives, as a supporter of their progress and growth.  If I can be helpful to you in any way, please comment below or contact me through facebook or email-I would love to hear from you, about your story and your journey. Be well-Your Best Fitness Friend


Suzy Howard, Personal Trainer

Your Best Fitness Friend



Facebook: Your Best Fitness Friend

Better Choices for a Healthy Lifestyle