I grew up with cousins who loved to play games involving strategy.  ‘Stratego” was one of their favorites (I know, I am dating myself), but they had many others-some were made up, some commercial.  On top of that, they were very competitive.  I made an easy opponent because I was neither one. Luckily, I am a good sport and didn’t mind being useful in their process of honing those skills.

I am still not very competitive, I love harmony; however, I have learned how to strategize. Here are some ways you can eat strategically to support your fitness goals:

  1. Eat before a workout. When you work out may impact how much you eat, but you should eat. If you work out first thing in the morning, like I do, and don’t want a lot on your stomach, eat something light that will give you the energy you need to power through the exercises.  An apple or banana with a bit of peanut butter is great-it is my go to choice. Anything with protein and carbs will work well for you.  If you work out later in the day, a 100-200 calorie snack about 30 minutes before your workout will give you the right amount of energy at the right time.
  2. Eat after a workout.  It is best to eat a meal or snack within 30 minutes of your workout.  If you time your workout to conclude before a regular meal, make sure it is a good mix of lean protein, complex carbs and a little fat so you pile fuel on to the fire you started in your muscles.  We all know what happens when we add wood to a hot fire as well as what happens if we don’t. You don’t want to ‘burn’ out mid-afternoon because the unfed fire died. If you a looking for a snack instead, choose something with a little more protein than carbs to fuel the muscle re-building.  100-200 calories is always a good rule of thumb for those snacks.

    Eat strategically to support your healthy habits!

    Eat strategically to support your healthy habits!

  3. Eat more lean protein. One common mistake people make is not getting enough protein, especially when they begin a new fitness plan.  Many of us choose to cut meat products and carbs because we know they usually contain higher amounts of calories and fat. However, protein is necessary for rebuilding the muscle tissue you have just ‘shredded’.  See the link at the below for some good sources.

So eat strategically for better preparation for and recovery from your workouts ~as well as to maintain your path to a healthy weight!

Until our next set of 3-Be well and make good choices!  Your Best Fitness Friend
