I am all about sustainable changes and choices, which is why I work hard to individualize my clients’ food and exercise plans.  Each person’s journey to better health is different.  There is not one magic solution or suggestion I could make to get you to your destination. You have to make changes and choose a path that fits you.  I understand that there is an overwhelming amount of information out there, and it is difficult to navigate through it all.  But with patience and effort, you will get there.

One area I feel these two (patience and effort) really apply is to a new workout regimen. We have to have patience, because we often want quick results, and we have to put forth effort, because it will not happen without hard, consistent work.  Here are three things you need to know, especially if you are just beginning your fitness journey~

  1. Exercise is hard work-If it isn’t, you will get fewer results. Depending on the results you are seeking, your heart should pound, you should sweat and your body will be sore.  If you are not experiencing these three conditions to some degree, your results will take longer and will be less visible.  Some people are totally content with the idea of just moving their bodies, and that’s good!  That may be what your lifestyle can accommodate and sustain.  However, if you choose more, you have to do more.

    I love how versatile and simple the BOSU - Because I love it, I do it consistently!

    I love how versatile and simple the BOSU – Because I love it, I do it consistently!

  2. You have to exercise consistently-I think most of us recognize that exercising for a few days or weeks here and there with long stretches of a sedentary life in between will not benefit you at all. Moving your body in a way that elevates your heart rate (at intervals or consistently) for 30-60 minutes every day is the way to get long term, sustained results. I am not here to discourage any types of exercise.  As I mentioned, there are lots of choices and you should choose something you like, because then you will actually do it regularly. However, there are some forms of exercise that are not as easy to sustain as a lifestyle choice.  These tend to be the fast- paced, high intensity programs.  These are fun for a while and are good as supplements to a regular routine of basic exercises (see a future article on the three exercises that should be a part of every program).  Look around, there are not a lot of us more experienced (older :0)) folks still doing P90 and Crossfit. So, not only should you start with a regular routine of exercise time-wise, it should also consist of basic exercises that you practice regularly for a sustained length of time as your body becomes accustomed to the work.
  3. You have to challenge yourself-I think this is the key to the longevity of your commitment to exercise and care for your body. I find that people who don’t learn to challenge themselves and push themselves to their limits (and beyond, sometimes) are the ones who give up-mostly out of boredom. A few simple ways to do this:
  • Increase the time you spend doing the activity or exercise by increasing the distance you attain (cardio) or the number of reps/sets you do
  • Increase the weight you use (and remember to decrease the number of reps/sets until you are accustomed to the new weight)
  • Increase the speed that you perform the exercise or activity
  • Increase the list of exercises in your routine-by learning new ones!

If you need help navigating the ocean of choices and types of exercise so that you can develop a plan that fits you, that you like to do and will do, contact me and I would be happy to help!  Just remember, that working hard and consistently at challenging your body will result in significant, visible changes on the outside which reflect the good you are doing on the inside!

Now let’s go get sweaty!  Be well-Your Bff