‘Tis the season of new food and exercise choices!!  Many of the people I talk with are nervous about the changes they will need to make to their food plans to support their goal of better health or weight loss.  On top of that, they think they have to become short-order cooks, preparing separate dishes for

My husband and I love this skinnier version of spaghetti-a meal I grew up eating once a week!

My husband and I love this skinnier version of spaghetti-a meal I grew up eating once a week!

themselves, their spouses and their children. You do not need to succumb to this misconception!  There are so many ways to make skinny versions of your family favorites!  This week I will share recipes and tips on how you can not only improve your food plan, but you can give your entire family a healthier foundation by cooking your own meals, and by sharing ONE meal—a win-win situation that will benefit everyone!

For starters, take a look at some fabulous healthy versions of FAMILY FAVORITES from the people at South Beach Diet.  I have incorporated most of these into my family’s meals and we LOVE them!!

So, stay in your comfort zone by making small changes to your family meals.  This may give you the confidence to try some bigger changes down the line, but sometimes starting small is the best way to make big changes!  Baby steps—they work, too!!

Stayed tuned for more healthy ideas, and be well-Your Bff
