Day 21!! We finally made it!  I hope you were able to find a habit or two on our journey that you could ‘hack’ as your own.  Making choices for better lifestyles is what it is all about! In case you need a reminder, I have simplified the entire list below-ending with the most important thought…..

Take care of YOU so you can enjoy the best things in life!

Take care of YOU so you can enjoy the best things in life!

  1. Drink more water
  2. Change your shopping habits
  3. Address your eating habits
  4. Eat Smart when you eat out
  5. Get over it! We are all on a diet-so what kind of eater are you?
  6. Change your mindset: Just Nourish your body
  7. Choose a food plan that fits you
  8. Move your body more
  9. Educate yourself, so you know why and how to move your body
  10. Consider your portions
  11. Review-and Reveal, Here is mine-now it’ your turn!
  12. Don’t Quit! Move your exercise inside when it’s cold
  13. Find a work out buddy-Don’t do it alone
  14. Write it down!
  15. Use the right tools
  16. Get more sleep
  17. Hack your snacks
  18. Eat your veggies
  19. Don’t skip meals
  20. Hire a trainer

And last, but absolutely NOT least, Habit Hack #21-VALUE YOUR HEALTH!  You are worth the time, energy, money and effort necessary for making better choices for a healthier life.  We only get one body and one chance at this life.  I want to encourage you to add SPICES to your life and understand that is important to feel healthy in every aspect: Socially, Physically, Intellectually, in our Culinary skills, Emotionally and Spiritually. These are the SPICES of life, they add the flavor!

Thank you for joining me in this journey-I have to say that it helped prove what research suggests: doing something consistently for 21 days helps it become a HABIT.  I can honestly say that this journey has helped me hack my habit of procrastination when it comes to writing.  Good, bad or otherwise, I think I have broken that habit and formed a new one!  I am committed to doing my best to share a little encouragement along the way as you continue to make progress toward your goals.  I am here for you!  Please connect with me if you need any help, suggestions, or encouragement.  Best wishes as you pursue better choices for a healthier lifestyle!

Be well-Your BFF