We are getting close to the end!  Our Habit Hack for Day 20-Hire a trainer! Come on-you knew I had to get here at some point (smiley face)!  As I keep saying-I am here for you, and I mean literally.  So, I will take this opportunity to explain WHY I think you should consider hiring a trainer, or fitness coach at some point in your journey-it will help you hack that ‘set in my ways’ tendency!

Setting goals is a good idea, so much so we celebrate the practice every year by making resolutions.  Being accountable to someone as we pursue our goals helps motivate and move us forward. A coach can do more than a journal or fitness app, which are limited in their functions, and cannot address all of the important aspects of general health.  Additionally, their ability to motivate is one-dimensional, lacks personality, AND can’t call and check up on you!

Being accountable to someone as we pursue our goals helps motivate and move us forward.

Popular programs such as ‘Weight Watchers” and ‘Biggest Loser” lend support to the theory that accountability is key.  Both have shown that success is tied directly to some form of personalized accountability through the use of coaches.

A personal trainer can provide the multi-dimensional approach necessary for long-term improvement in your health and well-being. They do this by assessing your current health, habits, and goals, and by applying their knowledge of good practices in a way that is practical and helpful to you as an individual.

They can save you time and money that you may already be spending on gym memberships, higher healthcare costs, packaged meal plans, etc. by adding the valuable layers of accountability and motivation to actually put all of these tools to better use and make real progress toward your goal of making better choices for a healthier lifestyle.

Although I have advocated journaling (Fitbook) and the use of fitness apps (mobile phones) and trackers (Fitbit and Shine), none of these can fill in all the gaps or address the nuances involved in a dedicated and sincere commitment to making major changes to your life.  This piece has to do with relationships.  My main objective in helping a client reach their health goals is focused on developing a relationship with them, one that is built on mutual concern and trust. Notebooks, apps and trackers, though helpful tools, do not meet this objective.  So, if you are ready for a new challenge and the dynamic support of a coach-connect with me today!

Happy Habit Hacking!  Tomorrow-Day 21, and the most important Hack of them all!

Until then, be well-Your BFF