Good morning!  Did you sleep well?  I sure hope so because sleep is an extremely important part of your better health journey!! Not only are your eating and exercising habits impacting your progress, but so is your sleep.  These three are like the legs on a three-legged stool and if you shorten one of those legs, by not developing good habits, you have an unbalanced life and it is difficult to build from that unhealthy foundation.  So, for Day 16 in our Habit Hacking journey-try to get more sleep!

I know this girl gets PLENTY of sleep!  How about YOU?!

I know this girl gets PLENTY of sleep! How about YOU?!

In addition to all the ways a lack of sleep can impact your life-your ability to think and function in particular-it even impacts your food choices.  A lack of sleep corresponds with decreased activity in the areas of the brain that control decision-making, which in turn affects the part of the brain that detects fear.  This combination creates a scenario where your judgment is dulled and your desires are increased and can result in binge-eating, which many of us have struggled with at one time or another. So, getting plenty of sleep is a habit you should consider.  Not only was your mom right-but there is science to back up her nagging!!

Have an awesome day and make plans to start getting more sleep!

Your Best Fitness Friend