Today is Day 11 in our 21 Days of Habit Hacks – we are at the half way point!  So, it is REVIEW DAY-Below is a list of the first 10 Habit Hacks in simple form AND the before, during and after pictures from my own journey!  I want you to see that the results are very real, if you make the necessary changes to your habits.  I try very hard to ‘practice what I preach’ so the suggestions I make, the tools and resources I advocate employing are the ones I used in my personal journey and continue to modify and use for my clients (who have also seen great results).   So choose one or several of the changes below and you, too can experience the results you desire, as you make better choices for a healthier lifestyle!

  1. Drink more water
  2. Change your shopping habits
  3. Address your eating habits
  4. Eat Smart when you eat out
  5. Get over it! We are all on a diet-so what kind of eater are you?
  6. Change your mindset: Just Nourish your body
  7. Choose a food plan that fits you
  8. Move your body more
  9. Educate yourself, so you know why and how to move your body
  10. Consider your portions
Before my journey started-with my beautiful daughter and encouraging hubby!

Before my journey started-with my beautiful daughter and encouraging hubby!

I started my journey 10 years ago.  The first photo is from 2004 at my top weight.  I lost about 35 lbs. by following the South Beach Diet fairly strictly.  It  took about 5-6 months, half of it on the first phase and without exercise. After about four months I started adding in some of the foods I had eliminated (but not all).  I enjoyed the control I had developed -realizing that I had the choice to be a healthy eater.  I also started exercising at the local YMCA doing cardio and weight resistance machines .

I gained about 5 lbs. over the subsequent eight  years, but felt pretty comfortable sticking to the SB diet plan and exercising (at home) with routine power (cardio) workouts on the weekends with my husband by riding bikes and walking when the weather permitted.  I thought I felt pretty good, but looking back I have to admit I wasn’t completely satisfied with the visible results, especially the lack  of muscle tone, I expected more results .

After 8 years of success on the SB diet-with my handsome husband!

After 8 years of success on the SB diet-with my handsome husband!

About two years ago, my daughter invited me to visit her gym and work out with her.  I was quite intimidated at first, but I began to really like the environment.  I decided I liked the social aspect of it-seeing lots of  ‘regulars’ of all shapes, sizes, fitness levels and points in their own journeys.  They were inspiring and motivating and I became a ‘gym rat’.  The habit of working out at a higher level, for a longer period of time every day became so entrenched that I felt ‘off’ if I didn’t go.  It became a HABIT after a month or so, and after about three months I began to see the visual results in the tone of my muscles.  Which was motivating, too!  I also lost a few more pounds and now I feel fabulous!  I am having a pretty significant birthday this month and I cannot imagine feeling any better. stronger, or more confident.

I hope that by sharing my experience, you will see that I understand that this is a difficult and significant commitment, but I also want you to know that you can do this!  I was THE most unmotivated person in pursuing healthier habits before my dear husband convinced me (yes, pushed me a bit) to try-he used his health as the ‘carrot’ because he knows I like to help others and make others happy-especially him (smile).

So let’s continue this 21 days of Habit Hacks journey together so we can develop stronger bodies, healthier food plans and more confidence so we can enjoy life!

See you tomorrow-Be well-Your Best Fitness Friend

This was me this summer-feeling so much better and strong enough to keep up with these girls!

This is me now–feeling so much better and strong enough to keep up with these girls!