When I started working out I knew very little about how exercise worked and what it actually did for my body, I just knew I needed to burn some calories.  I want to help you start out with a little more knowledge so you can make more efficient choices.  Thus the title of today’s Habit Hack.  If you have read about my journey, you will understand that is important for to me to feel healthy in every aspect: Socially, Physically, Intellectually, in my Culinary skills, Emotionally and Spiritually. (These are the SPICES of life, they add the flavor!) So let’s add to that layer of intellect today.

A little warning-don’t be thrown off by the use of the calculations below, they are pretty straightforward and are a good way of evaluating the efficiency of your efforts. You don’t have to memorize them, and most of us are not professional body builders so just knowing the range we should be in is helpful.  Many of us exercise at a rate that is much lower than we should for the benefits we expect.

If your goal is burning fat, for weight loss, then you will want to incorporate cardio with a target heart rate between 40-60% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). MHR can be calculated using the following equation:  220-AGE=MHR.  If you are looking to increase your endurance you want to work aerobically at 65-85% of your MHR. A target heart rate above 85% is usually reserved for the elite athlete. To calculate your target heart rate (THR), use the equation: 220-AGE x %=THR. The cardiovascular activities in your plan involve a sustained calorie burn and should last at least twenty minutes with your heart rate in the target zone. This will result in decreased blood pressure and heart rate, increased oxygen utilization and increased release of fatty acids (burning up that fat!).

Incorporating weights or weight resistant machines/exercises into your routine is complimentary to your cardio and should last no more than 60 minutes for maximum impact

Incorporating weights or weight resistant machines into your routine is complimentary to your cardio and should last no more than 60 minutes for maximum impact

If your goal is to build muscle tissue, then your emphasis will be on weight training which will allow you to burn or breakdown fat tissue and build muscle tissue. Weight training involves intermittent, shorter bursts of energy, which does not support the sustained heart rate of cardio. Incorporating weights or weight resistant machines/exercises into your routine is complimentary to your cardio and should last no more than 60 minutes for maximum impact. Benefits of this aspect of your routine include an increase in lean body tissue and a decrease in body fat, an increase in joint and bone integrity, and an enhanced immune system as the muscle contractions positively impact the lymphatic system. The two processes are complementary so incorporating both will give you greater results.

So as you think about how to spend your time at the gym it is important to consider the benefits of both types of exercise.  Many people begin with cardio to get the body ‘warmed up’ and then move to using weights.  Just remember that both are needed to have a well-rounded workout.

Thanks for joining in this journey!  Tomorrow we will add to our

knowledge and talk about PORTIONS!  Until then, be well!

Your Best Fitness Friend