We started our journey with the most important habits for a healthier body-your food and water choices.  Now let’s add the exercise component which helps with any weight loss or muscle toning goals you may have.

There are two types of energy expenditure, aerobic and anaerobic. To simplify things for our purposes, we view these types of exercise as “cardio” or cardiovascular (aerobic) and “weight training” (anaerobic). Cardiovascular training includes walking, running, jogging, and the use of machines such as the treadmill and elliptical. These activities require a sustained level of fuel which comes from burning mostly fats and carbohydrates and some protein. Weight training involves a slightly different process, involving the need for more immediate energy to fuel a more rapid process of burning and replenishing the energy stores. These anaerobic activities use carbohydrates.  A comprehensive workout plan will include both and will be influenced by your goals.

Walking with my 'girls' is one of my favorite cardio  choices!

Walking with my ‘girls’ is one of my favorite cardio choices!

Most of us don’t move as much as we think we do, in the way we need to, for the results we are seeking; being ‘busy all day’ will not typically accomplish the task of burning calories or toning muscles. You need to carve out some time every day for some structured, physical activity. Start with a 15 minute walk.  Each day add some time or increase your pace.  Push yourself a little!

In addition, find ways to engage your body more.  Something as simple as sitting on an exercise ball instead of a desk chair at work (or at home instead of the couch while you watch your favorite shows) will employ your core muscles-and you won’t even notice! Keep in mind, the only good exercise plan is the one you USE! So, the most important piece is planning for the time you need to move your body in a way that gets your heart rate up and engages some muscles.

I am so proud of you for taking the steps to become healthier and to feel better- for your life and the things you want to accomplish!!  Your future self will thank you for incorporating even one of the suggestions in our 21 days of Habit Hacks-think of how you will feel by Christmas if you adopt a few! I know you will be amazed-so pick one, if you haven’t already, and let me know how you are doing.  I would love to hear about your progress!

Have a great day!

Your Best Fitness Friend