So which diet/ food plan is best?? Just Choose one!

I discovered the South Beach Diet plan and cookbooks about 10 years ago.  I really liked using the South Beach Diet as the pattern for my weight loss plan because it was straight forward, uncomplicated and easy to follow-it fit my need for simplicity.  More recently, I have come across some other food plans that are based on same philosophy, which involves simplicity of choices and is based on several phases.  During the initial phase, certain foods are restricted or completely avoided (temporarily) to allow the body to conquer certain food ‘addictions’ that are prevalent in our society (ie, sugar and simple carbs). The second phase allows you to add foods back in (or not) as you choose, which gives YOU the control –rather than food having control over you.  The final phase in these plans is the maintenance or permanent lifestyle phase, because this is a lifelong commitment if you want to remain healthy and fit.

There are so many diets/food plans out there-Just pick one that fits you-and follows this simple rule!

There are so many diets/food plans out there-Just pick one that fits you-and follow this simple rule!

There are probably others, but the food plans that I found to be helpful and that I have used (alongside the South Beach Diet) in developing individual plans for my clients are The Dash Diet, The Quick and Clean Diet by Dari Alexander, and The Body Book by Cameron Diaz (yes, even the movie start edition works!) This is not meant to be an endorsement, I am sure there are many plans that work well.  You need to find the one that fits your personality and is the most realistic for who YOU are.

If you have questions about food plans or nutrition, please leave a comment below and I would be happy to come alongside you as you discover what kind of food plan fits you best!

Until next time-Be well,

Your Best Fitness Friend

P.S.  All of the resources mentioned in this article are available through  and come in both printed and Kindle versions