Happy Tuesday!  And welcome to the 21 day Journey of ‘hacking’ or transforming our habits.  A big part of this transformation depends on knowing certain things about ourselves.  This knowledge allows us to develop strategies for changing the behaviors that are keeping us from our goals. Day 5 was about what kind of eaters we are and what we like to eat. For Day 6 let’s talk about the when and why!

Think about when you eat; you may have habits that need to be broken.  Some of us start out with good choices but lose control later in the day.  Others start the day with the wrong choices, setting themselves up for a roller coaster ride the rest of the day, with blood sugar spikes and energy spurts and depletion tossing them around all day long.  Once you acknowledge these habits and the havoc they are wreaking, you can take ownership and replace them with good habits.

Think about why you eat.  As mentioned in my last post (Day 5), you should consider whether there are emotional triggers for your food choices and habits, as they contribute greatly to any struggles you may have.  However, I encourage you to educate yourself about why you eat, what impact food and its nutrients (or lack of nutrients) has on your body, brain and mood. As I mentioned in a previous post, http://imyourbff.com/2013/11/28/my-story , discovering and understanding the science behind eating and food choices appealed to my intelligence.  It made sense and I understood the effects of the foods I was providing to my body. Also, I had to acknowledge that they were all MY choices.  It helped me begin to take control, instead of the food and the act of eating controlling me.

Changing the habits connected to the what, when and why you eat depend on a shift in your mindset.  If you begin to look at eating as the act of nourishing your body, this one and only body given to you for this life, you will develop a different perspective about your choices. Sure, we are human, most of us enjoy eating, a few of us even enjoy cooking, but most of us do not thinking of eating as merely the act of fueling or nourishing our bodies.  We focus on the enjoyment rather than the purpose.  I hear what you are saying right now, and I get that this paradigm shift is difficult and can’t possibly be as satisfying.  However, from my own experience and from observing the transformation in many of my clients-you can do this, and it will be satisfying, just in a different way.

I love the FitBook for tracking my eating and exercise habits!

I love the FitBook for tracking my eating and exercise habits!

A great way to acclimate yourself to this new way of thinking is by keeping track of your eating.  You can keep a food diary, noting everything you eat and when.  You can even add details about how you felt before and after eating.  It takes a bit of time, but it is very helpful information and you may see some clear patterns that you can address.  Also, there are some helpful tools out there to help you and to make the task more fun and less daunting.  The Fitbook, and mobile apps like ‘My Fitness Pal’ and the ‘Spark’ family of apps are a few good resources.  These are a little more fun than a plain old notebook, but that works, too!

So grab a notebook (or your phone) and an apple and get busy and we will figure this out together!  If you need help or more suggestions-leave a note below in the comments-I would be glad to offer support and encouragement!

See you tomorrow-Be well!

Your Best Fitness Friend