
You will find the best foods at the perimeter of your grocery store-skip the ‘sweet nothings’ in the middle!

Welcome to Day Two in our 21 day journey to better choices for a healthy lifestyle!!  Now that you are drinking more water we can focus on food! Your food plan is known to have the greatest impact on your successful journey to better health. Drinking more water is a great partner to eating better foods, but research suggests that our food choices make 80% of the difference.

Here are a few things you can adjust as you get started on this journey.  Remember these tips as you plan your next shopping trip so you can set yourself up for the greatest amount of success:

  • Clean out your cupboards. Get rid of the foods that trigger your cravings or are irresistible to you. This means give them away or throw them away-you aren’t wasting, you are helping yourself.
  • Plan your shopping trip-go with a list and stick to it. Impulse buys are usually not the best choices!
  • Don’t shop hungry!
  • When you shop, stay on the perimeter of the store as much as you can. In case you haven’t noticed, in most stores, the fresh foods and best choices are typically around the outer edge of the store.  The middle of the store usually holds the ‘sweet nothings’ you need to avoid.
  • Choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural state. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains rather than processed is always better.  Frozen choices are the next best. In their natural state, foods contain more nutrients and they move more slowly through your digestive tract, giving the body more time to absorb the nutrients.

Bravo to you for wanting to learn how to make better choices for a healthier lifestyle.  It is a difficult task, I know, but making even a few of the adjustments listed above will make a huge difference in how you feel.  I am always just a click away if you need help or encouragement-leave a comment below or contact me via email at suzy@ImYourBff.com or follow me on Facebook @ YourBestFitnessFriend!

Make good choices and be well!
