A fitness coach can help you  identify and practice healthy habits that fit your lifestyle!

A fitness coach can help you identify and practice healthy habits that fit your lifestyle!

I will get back to the Habit Hacking series later today…..but, I came across a really good article that I wanted to share!  For those of you reading and either looking for some incentives or encouragement to ‘keep on truckin”- or if you are new to this endeavor and just getting started, this is a great list of mistakes to avoid.  I could not have come up with a better list of things to observe or advice on fixes, so I am sharing the article from the online magazine, Everyday Health.

Of course, a fitness coach can help you identify and address each of these mistakes and can support and encourage you along the way.  They also add that important layer of personal accountability, which equates to having someone who really understands and cares about your well-being.  I would LOVE to be that person for you!  So enjoy the article and give me a call or comment below if I can be helpful in your journey toward a healthier lifestyle!

Hope to hear from you!  Be well-Your Best Fitness Friend
