I have wanted to write an article about how we create habits. Unfortunately, it is not my habit to write or prepare to write (study and read) every day, so it has taken me months to get started. What I do have is a habit to procrastinate. I think most of us are prone to put off things that are unimportant or uninteresting or uncomfortable. However, my habit of procrastination is so strong, that I even procrastinate doing things that are important and interesting to me! Things like exercising or planning a date night or writing an article sometimes end up last on the list. Do you do this? If so, let’s explore this together and see if we can learn a bit about ourselves and how we can ‘Hack our Habits’ so they support your better choices for a healthier lifestyle.

In thinking about this (and reading and studying some, too), I first want to acknowledge that developing new habits and trying to change or overcome bad ones is difficult. It can be overwhelming to sit and think about all of the things (habits) we want to change in our lives. It is a process that involves things we expect, like diligence, determination, time, planning (which may be why we drag our feet at making changes). However, I think it also involves confidence-confidence in ourselves to be able to make a change and confidence that the change we are determined to make is important enough for the effort. Another important factor is motivation. What motivates us? Are we intrinsically (internally, self-) motivated or extrinsically (externally, other-) motivated? And finally, and ultimately, is contentment, getting to the place where we can accept where we are and move forward, relying on our strengths more than focusing on the weaknesses.

Working out with my clients or my daughter make me HAPPY!

Working out with a client or my daughter makes me HAPPY!

There are a few questions I ask new clients that help me determine their level of confidence and what motivates them. I already know that they are not content, or they wouldn’t be meeting with me! These questions include:
What makes you happy?
What makes you excited?
How do you reward yourself?
How long have you been contemplating a lifestyle change?
Is there a major event coming up in your life or have you recently experienced a major event?

What were your answers? Would you believe that many of the people I talk to have a difficult time answering at least the first three questions? I am finding more and more that the answers to these questions are far more important than what their goals are, or their current food and exercise habits because they reveal the keys to what makes them feel confident, what motivates them and how they are motivated, and what will lead to true contentment.

So, stick around as we explore these factors and discover ways to ‘hack our habits’! For now, be well and make good choices!
Fondly, Your Best Fitness Friend