Setting goals can seem overwhelming to some, it is one of the biggest challenges for me as a coach (and personally, at times)! Those of you who have set goals with me probably received some tips for making them more specific. I try to use the common, SMART goal approach, because it is familiar and easy to remember. However, it is used in many avenues (business, health, etc) and it should be adapted to your focus. Here is a little overview that may help, and I am here to help, too!!

What Does SMART Mean?




Relevant/reasonable/realistic and resourced/results-based

Time bound/time-based/time limited/time and cost limited/timely/time-sensitive

I love this explanation, because you can mix and match how your PERSONAL goal fits, but it gives you a framework. Just ask yourself: ‘Is my goal __________?’ using each term listed. If you can say ‘yes’ to one of the adjectives listed with each letter of the acronym SMART, then you are good to go!! Keep in mind, a goal of ‘lose 10 lbs. isn’t going to fit, you will have to break it down into BEHAVIORS or choices you make, incrementally, that LEAD TO losing 10#s.

Here are your STEPS to SMART Goals:

  1. Think of something you want to improve, change, stop doing, do more of, achieve, etc. 
  2. Using that goal, explore how it fits each of the five aspects above.
  3. Write it down.
  4. Tell someone who cares about you and will support you! (Your Bff )
  5. Create a plan, environment, opportunity for success.

#5 is the next ‘obstacle’ we will tackle. Look for tips on that in this week’s 5 to Thrive! 

Thanks for joining us on this journey! We CAN and will do this, together!! xoxo Suzy