Good morning and Happy and Healthy 2021 wishes for you all!!
You have gotten enough wishes and thoughts about a ‘better’ year this year, so I am going to just dive in to my ‘coach’ mode and talk to you about something specific!!
This is longer than I intended, but PLEASE stick with me!!
Some of us need to fully dive into whatever we are committing to, which is awesome and admirable. Some of us find that approach overwhelming and we loose momentum and energy quickly because it doesn’t ‘fit’ us.
I have learned that MODERATION is an extremely helpful tool, or perspective, to bring to our health and wellness journey. I am encouraging you to choose ONE. SMALL. THING.
Just change one small thing.
It can be as simple as ONE of these:
-A short time of prayer and meditation
-Read one chapter, in your Bible or a book
-Drink one mimosa or bloody mary with brunch instead of two 😉
-Drink one more glass of water than normal for you
-Go to bed 10 min earlier than normal for you
-Wake up 10 min earlier than normal for you
-Walk 10 min (or 10 min more normal for you)
-Call or write to someone you haven’t seen/talked to in a while
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE HUGE CHANGES to GAIN in GOOD WAYS (read it again and say it out loud!)
ANY one of those small changes will have some impact on your mind, body and spirit. Some you may need to keep doing to see the results you want, but I PROMISE that doing them JUST ONCE will feel/be good for you!!
Want to know another magical thing? The FIRST TIME is the most difficult and every time you repeat the activity, it gets EASIER. Who isn’t looking for easier??
So please take a moment and find your ONE SMALL THING to change TODAY–for yourself!!
If you need encouragement, reach out!!
PS–staying on the topic above–
I posted a while back about a smoothie challenge (re-posting the link to sign up below). I got into it easily and it was free and I gave them NO credit card info or anything. I received the downloads and was ready to go immediately.
–So the first thing is, do the extra steps to sign up if you want and make sure you aren’t paying for (or giving CC info) anything! If you need help, reach out!!
–SECONDLY, you can MODERATE or modify!! As I mentioned above, do not let what you want to change or do overwhelm you! Here is a quick and easy smoothie recipe you can throw together, using your own ingredients on hand, no chopping required. Â
The point of a ‘challenge’ like this is to motivate you to make a change, to gain some control. Worry about the specifics and the calorie counts later, just get some ‘goodness’ into your body, that YOU have chosen and controlled!!
Chocolate Pnut butter and Banana Smoothie
Handful or two of dark greens, like spinach
Scoop (1/4c) or 2 of chocolate protein powder and/or
1/4-1/2 cup (greek) yogurt
(you can eliminate Protein powder or yogurt, or use both)
1-2 T unsweet cocoa powder (optional)
1/2-1 cup of Unsweet Almond Milk (or your favorite)
1-2 T flaxseed (or other grain or fat, like wheatgerm, hemp, nuts, oats)
1 med banana
2 cups ice
water as needed to create smoothness you prefer
Put it all in your blender and blend away!!
This recipe is a version of one that was calculated at around 500 calories, but this recipe makes about 3 servings, so honestly, do not focus too much on calories, just add good stuff!! It is about creating the foundation for good choices, you can ‘clean it up’ a bit later if needed!!
All this to say, just give it a try and choose easy and reasonable not overwhelming and intense!!
I am here for YOU, your Bff Suzy
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