I have been focusing on the exercise aspect of a healthy lifestyle in my last several posts, but in reality, your food plan is known to have a greater impact on your success in reaching your goals. I have seen several sources that state that it is a 20% to 80% ratio, respectively.

I really liked using the South Beach Diet as the pattern for my weight loss plan because it was straight forward, uncomplicated and easy to follow-it fit my need for simplicity. This is not meant to be an endorsement, I am sure there are many plans that work well. You need to find the one that fits your personality and is the most realistic for who YOU are.

One of the most important aspects of any food plan is to have a back – up plan. Don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean to suggest there will be failure of any sort to deal with, and therefore the need for a back-up plan. On the contrary, I think we can be more successful if we begin by acknowledging that we all give in to our temptations once in a while and having a plan in place for when that happens is just plain smart.

Having a moment of weakness, or finding yourself in a situation where you have few or no ‘good’ choices (ie., dining out while on vacation or eating dinner at a friend’s house) does not have to equate to failure at all. It is never too late to get back on track. Knowing this and having a plan for it can be very freeing. Additionally, planning ahead for these types of scenarios can eliminate concerns as well.

Here are a few tips to help you set yourself up for the greatest amount of success in catching any of those curve balls life will undoubtedly throw your way.

  • Clean out your cupboards. Get rid of the foods that trigger your cravings or are irresistible to you. This means give them away or throw them away-you aren’t wasting, you are helping yourself.
  • When you shop, stay on the perimeter of the store as much as you can. In case you haven’t noticed, in most stores, the fresh foods and best choices are typically around the outer edge of the store. The middle of the store usually holds the ‘sweet nothings’ you need to avoid.
  • Don’t shop hungry. I know, we all know this in our intellect, but we often think we are strong enough to overcome. Don’t put yourself in that position! Eat before shopping.
  • Always be prepared. I almost always have a protein bar, or bag of nuts in my purse, gym bag or car. Even this little snack can stave off hunger enough to get you through the shopping trip or past the fast food on the way home to much better choices.
  • Plan ahead when dining out. If possible, check the menu before you go and make your choices ahead of time. Don’t look at the dessert menu or the drink list. Order soup, preferably broth and not cream-based, or a side salad for an appetizer. Half your entrée immediately and ask the waiter to box the other for you to take home.
  • If someone offers an unhealthy treat, graciously decline. When this isn’t possible, for instance, the giver is a child, celebrating a birthday (happens to teachers all the time!), accept the treat with the intention of passing it on to someone else who can and will appreciate it (again, if you are a teacher, the janitor usually loves these kind gestures!

As you can see, acknowledging the inevitable and planning ahead are important to remaining on track with your food choices. Remember that getting off track does not mean failure; it just means you are human and you can adjust and get back on course. Remember, if you need some encouragement, accountability or advice, I am just a comment, message or phone call away!