Is it just me or are you also TIRED?


Raise your hand if COVID-19 has left you exhausted and fatigued!


Let’s just take stock of the various emotions, thoughts, and physical manifestations we have probably ALL experienced in the last two months.


In the first head-spinning days,  we experienced the initial concern for the unknown, followed by getting prepared for the unknown, followed by the subsequent losses we may have experienced, ie, stock market tanking, possible loss of income/jobs of spouse/loved one, loss of freedom to work and play where and how we used to, etc. etc. 

Then we shifted into crisis management mode to figure out how, if possible, we could work, do school and play exclusively at home. And, all of this hit while we were dealing with life’s ‘normal’ ups and downs and busyness!



We are EXHAUSTED. Fatigue has set in.


I just spoke with my husband about my ability to get more and deeper sleep lately — resulting from a shift in schedule and ramping up my exercise because of more time, or so I thought.  However, I told him, I don’t FEEL more rested……

My face when I think I slept well….but still feel exhausted before the day starts!

Shortly after that conversation, I came across some discussions that resonated with me, so I share them with you because we ‘are all in this thing together’ and you may be searching for explanations, too—

Here are a few  aspects and justifications for why I (and you) may be experiencing fatigue in various ways–


Moral Fatigue: This may be exhaustion brought about by once thoughtless, normal, everyday decisions that now necessitate many pauses for concerted thought. We have to stop and think constantly about our ‘normal’ actions and activities, to determine if they are a life – threatening risk.


Compassion Fatigue: Is the weariness brought on by concern for loved ones, our community, society and the world as we have known. We know it will never be quite the same and that can be an overwhelming thought, even for those of us who don’t mind change; even more so for those who do.


Social Fatigue: Many of us have experienced a huge change in the amount of human contact we once enjoyed (or endured), time with our family members, mentors, friends. The inability to connect with our church families and to participate in important social gatherings, as well as the inability to enjoy our normal social activities has manifested itself in feelings of fatigue.


Mental Fatigue:  The energy required to problem solve the impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives, our families, our income, and our future has led to a depletion of the resources that serve our vitality.


Emotional Fatigue: Resulting from the grief we feel at the loss of life as we knew it. The disappointing cancellations of various commitments we were looking forward to. Also, the volume of change and the weight of sudden changes to lifestyle, education, family demands, employment, etc., etc., etc. has caused stress levels to skyrocket. 

Physical Fatigue: Headaches, sore muscles and joints, a lack of energy or inability to complete physical tasks that were once routine can also be blamed on this current situation that we find ourselves in. 

This is a real situation we are in, and it has been tough. If you are feeling fatigued, remember that you are in good company, give yourself grace and time to adjust. Reach out if you need a friend, I am here for you! Your Bff