Hey fellow isolators!  Just checking in to see how you are doing…..Honestly, I really do  want to know!

This is a tough time………it sucks big time for some of us and for others, it has created some extra space and time where it didn’t exist before (which can be good OR bad ☺ ).  I get it, I go back and forth between doing well and being really motivated to see the silver linings…then, I feel overwhelmed, stuck….paralyzed.

How about you?  What are you feeling?  What are you struggling with in all of this?

I thought about writing this very encouraging post about all the positives in this, but decided that I would be making a lot of assumptions about what YOU see as positive or not.  I also thought about cheering you on to “keep moving on, don’t let this stop you!” That would be assumptive, as well. Now, I DO plan on sharing some positives, solutions to the things that we are struggling with, but first, I wanted to open things up and hear from YOU!

Would you share what you ARE struggling with or what you DO see as positive aspects?  You can reply below.  It will help me have a true understanding of what you are experiencing and how I can continue to support you as we navigate this together.

Lots of things have changed, and some of these changes will remain.  We will never be the same because this is the type of experience that changes us, who we are, how we view things, how we move forward.

So, as much as I DO want to encourage you to take care of yourselves and reach your ‘goals’, your perspective on those things may have changed in the last few weeks and you may need to have different goals or different priorities, you may have different struggles and you may need different support….a different approach.

There is a lot of uncertainty, and no one can promise that we will get through all of this unscathed, or unchanged….BUT, going through something like this SHOULD change us.  It is an opportunity for some re-direction, re-evaluation, re-dedication.

I am here for you and I continue to work on gathering helpful, positive, supportive information to share and encourage you in your journey to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. However, I do not want to ignore the difficulties and fail to take full advantage of the true and lasting change that can occur when we take the time to REALLY look at what is important, what we want or need.  This very uncertain time lends to the vulnerability that results in real and lasting and valuable change.

So, let your Bff team know what you are struggling with, what work – arounds are you employing, what positives have you experienced?  We are in this together and we are here for YOU!

love, Your Bff

PS you can check out YouTube for some videos we started creating, in case having a challenging workout is helpful to you in working off some stress!

YouTube = Your Best Fitness Friend