
I’ve been where you are. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Frustrated. Angry. Annoyed. Depressed. Fed up. Lost. Scared. Alone. Disappointed. Embarrassed. I put on the fake smile. I bought clothes that hid my discomfort. I beat myself up verbally every night for not making ‘good’ choices. I kept my feelings to myself. I concentrated on other things, but was distracted constantly by the way I was feeling (bloated, uncomfortable, tired, unmotivated, foggy, etc.). I pretended I saw a healthy person in the mirror. I ignored my husband’s urging to make some changes for our family…..  

Finally, one day, I had had enough. I woke up and realized I couldn’t do it anymore. I was at a breaking point and had a major decision to make… so I chose not do do this alone….I prayed. 

Of all the choices I have made in my life, that, by far, has been one of the smartest! I want you to know that I see you. I feel your pain. I know your frustration and confusion. I know you have a busy life and no time for yourself. I know you struggle with feeling guilty and angry. Unhappy with where you are right now. But you CAN change that! The time is NOW. This is the encouragement you have been waiting for. So choose to take care of yourself. For me, it started with prayer, and drawing strength and willpower from knowing that God’s will is best for me, that He would equip me, even for this. As silly and ‘inappropriate’ as I thought it was at the time, it was the key. I wanted it because I felt I could do everything He placed in front of me better, if I felt better and got rid of the nagging distraction of feeling so awful physically. 

So, I am not asking you to ‘put yourself first’ in a selfish way, instead, decide to take care of the body He has given you so you can do the things He is asking you to do, and do them better! Do something that will not only make you like the way you feel, but allows you to meet your other responsibilities from a healthier, stronger vantage point!  Feeling your very best by making the best choices for your body will help you BE your very BEST!

Need some encouragement? A little support from a ‘Friend’? Reach out-I am here for YOU!

Be you and be well-Your Bff, Suzy