So, I spent too much time this morning talking myself into, and then out of, going to the gym. In case you think I am only sympathetic to your struggle, please know I am FOR REAL, and feel your pain!

A few things pushed me toward the calling (of the gym), so I went.


I was feeling uninspired and unmotivated, partly because of what I knew my goal should be…what I had promised myself I would do. I walked into the gym wishing for some inspiration or encouragement. I kind of wanted some of that ‘BFF’ encouragement, the kind I try to give every day. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, and part of my job is teaching others how to overcome the obstacles. I think it helps when I have to do the same!

For transparency’s sake, my goal today was to run (or walk/run) and to do a mile in less time than last time. I was afraid I wouldn’t do it and would be discouraged. I wanted someone or something to make it easier, or at least to guarantee that I could smash the goal. (I think this is what most of my clients desire, too—-from me! LOL) 

I dragged myself into the gym, feeling a bit sorry for myself, climbed up on the treadmill, turned on the music, and started my tracker. Just as I was getting started, my little friend Rosie appears. Rosie is an older lady, early 70’s I would guess, who has been a ‘gym friend’ for close to 5 years (actually, she is EVERYONE’S gym friend!). Rosie has probably had just about every ailment you can think of, and occasionally skips the gym. But, even when her arthritis (back, hip, shoulder, knees) is bad, like it was today, she is there. She pushes her walker around and around the gym, doing her ‘laps’, most of the time with weights on the seat of her walker, to challenge herself. On good days she even does strength training, mostly from a seated position. And there she is, smiling and encouraging/talking with all the ‘regular’ gym rats, and making friends with newbies. 

I found myself smiling to myself, because of my short chat with Rosie, as I thought about what an inspiration she is to all of us. I restarted my treadmill and proceeded to ‘find my pace’ and smashed that mile walk/run goal! I ran more than I walked AND I literally shaved more than 2 minutes off the last try! 

Now, I can give credit to Rosie for inspiring and encouraging me (as she joked with me about being a ‘grandma gym rat’), and she totally deserves the credit and the praise. However, I am acknowledging to myself (and you) that I was the one who showed up and did the work. I did not give in to the negative thoughts or excuses that had tried to creep in. And that ‘high’ after that run (and a little core/strength training afterward) was (is, I am STILL feeling it 🙂 ) AMAZING!!

So, I just want to encourage you, you CAN do this! 

—KEEP the promises and commitments you have made to yourself to do things and make choices that are good for YOU!  

—Find your inspiration in others, but dig deep to find it in YOU, too!

 —Just TRY to keep moving forward!  

I will say that LOOKING BACK is ok, sometimes, because it shows you how FAR you have COME!

Here is what I can look back on:

My heaviest (14 yrs. ago)










35# lighter, and ‘thought’ I was healthier 🙂







More recently, lighter, stronger and healthier!








If you need a little ‘HELP’ from a ‘FRIEND’—contact me!

I am HERE for YOU! 

Your Bff, Suzy