In the event that you are either purposefully searching, or have ‘stumbled’ upon Your Best Fitness Friend, this document is a pretty detailed explanation of how I approach helping people in their journey to a healthier self. Don’t be overwhelmed by the length or detail – I just take this very seriously and want you to have clear expectations from the start. If you have any questions at all, please let me know.

I would be glad to meet so we can talk about your goals for better health.  It is awesome that you are interested in taking steps in this direction.  I usually share rate info during a face to face meeting so I can explain that I really want to help and I make every effort to accommodate the needs/situation of each individual client.  I have created some guidelines, based on my experiences; however, I make every effort to base your program on YOU. I am certified as a Personal Trainer, Weight Management Specialist and Exercise and Nutrition coach (with other more specific certs as well). I plan to use the knowledge from these certifications and my experiences from the past several years to help you find a way to incorporate healthy eating and exercising habits that are sustainable for you.

The following paragraphs define some general guidelines which have come about from my experiences.  However, they are very fluid, meaning they change slightly with each client as I get to know them as individuals who have different needs and goals and contributing factors.  As you go through them, please note anything that we could talk about or change so that it works the best for you!

General Approach:

Anyone who signs a Coaching Agreement and is considered a client will receive my full and personal attention. Your program will be individualized but includes all of the resources mentioned below, which make up the monthly fee listed on your training agreement.

  1. Over-all Time Commitment:  First, I ask clients to commit to at least 3-6 months, so we have an opportunity to establish habits, and make progress, and see real results. I would say that at least 6 months is ideal-but we expect some results by the end of the 3rdmonth.  I am willing to work with a client for as long as they need me, but my ultimate goal is to teach you how to make better choices for a healthier lifestyle-on your own! So, I am here for you as long as you need me. This time commitment gives us a good foundation for establishing a relationship, finding routines that work, an opportunity to see/feel results, and gives us transparency to build from.  This being said, I know how hard it is for us, as ladies (moms in particular), to take time and resources from our budgets for our own benefit, I’ve been there and I get it. But I also know how much more able I am to handle all the demands of life when I am taking good care of myself. Keep in mind, this may mean making some sacrifices in order to work this into your time and financial budget; however, this is an investment that has long-term, far reaching benefits!
  2. Monthly Time Commitment: We will meet for the minimum number of sessions your Coaching agreement indicates per month (most average 2 x per week) These sessions will be based on the emphasis that best supports your goals. You can choose an exercise emphasis or a nutrition emphasis or combination.  Typically, it can be overwhelming to change too many things at once. Once we establish what you are expecting, we will talk about an approach that I think fits. However, please note: I do not know a lot about you!  It will take AT LEAST the first several weeks (or more) to understand enough about you to make this an individualized approach. That being said, OVER TIME, the following aspects may include some or all (or more than) the following:
    1. Learning and practicing exercise routines for you to eventually do on your own.  Most of the time they will include descriptions, videos and/or pictures to help you practice and remember them.
    2. Discussions and guidance concerning your nutrition plan and changes you can make.
    3. Guidance in setting goals
    4. If choosing a workout emphasis: Most sessions will include a work out-some will be fairly focused and intense, and many will be mainly instructional (so we may not do the full #of sets/reps)
    5. If choosing a nutrition focus: Some sessions will involve assessments, discussions and sharing of information to establish a food plan that fits you. Your sessions may also include the following: meal planning, meal prepping and/or cooking together, shopping guidance (together or discussed), pantry cleanse, etc.
    6. Time for sharing and discussing concerns, of any sort-your health is based on more than the physical J.  We will work through any aspects of life that may have a hindering effect on your health and fitness goals**Please see the list of services below for information on meeting for additional ‘sessions’ together.  There are a variety of offerings/ways we can spend the extra time
  3. Financial Commitment: The average costper month is $?? (based on the avg. ?sessions/?x/wk)-this will be adjusted according to the monthly schedule we set up.  This includes the minimum number of sessions listed on you CA, everything listed above in the explanation of how we may spend our face-to-face sessions, PLUS:

    Suzy Helping client work out

  4. Your Best Fitness Friend’s Commitment: What can you expect from me over the course of each month?
    1. Encouragement: in the form of nearly daily text/email messages or phone calls or notes
    2. 24/7 accessvia text-for any questions, concerns, support, etc.  I do my best to respond quickly!  For example, I have had clients contact me for help choosing from a restaurant menu, or at a moment of crisis (“I am going to make a really awful meal choice”), or a recipe idea, etc, etc.
    3. Knowledge: I have had to go through some pretty intense certification trainings/testing, as mentioned above and have added additional training beyond what the requirements are for maintaining those certifications.  Certs are on file or hanging in the studio.  I also have access to a wealth of information (if I don’t already know the answer to a question/concern) through NCCPT (certifying entity) as well as Nutrition Software I  have purchased, as well as many other (professional and general) resources I have connected with.
    4. Experience: I have been on my own health journey (the start of my education and experience) for about 14 years and have been officially working in the business for nearly four years, with dozens of clients, and I believe most would claim that they experienced some degree of success, many with great success.
    5. Support: This comes in many forms, including but not limited to: access to equipment, introduction to new equipment, tracking your progress, calendars, exercise lists, resource ideas, recipes, meal planning, nutritional guidance, sharing information, teaching you how to _________ (fill in the blank)
    6. Thoughtfulness:  I will be thinking of you and how to best assist you ALL. THE. TIME.  –it’s how I ‘roll’!!

As you can see, your Coaching Agreement includes far more than workout sessions!! I work on your plan and helping you succeed even when you aren’t at the studio/gym with me!  I am committed to your success and whatever that entails, so that will be my focus and I will be working on supporting you in that, whether it’s a workout session, a cooking session, a trip to the grocery store or I am developing a new exercise or food plan for you.  I will be working for you at times you don’t even realize.

A few other items to note:

  • You do not need a gym membership because I like to start people out in my home studio so we can focus on form and learning exercises and talk without distractions. If you have a gym membership or decide to purchase one at some point, we can discuss that option and work that into your plan.
  • I will develop exercise plans that can be done at your home, or at a gym for the days you may work out on your own. I often loan out equipment for you to use at home.
  • Once we meet and talk about your goals, and other details about your health and fitness level and aspirations, we will work together to develop a plan and schedule that fits your life. It will be very individualized.
  • My goal is to get to you to the point of reaching your goals and making sure you are ready to do it on your own. At that point you have achieved a new, healthier lifestyle. Whoot whoot!!

Please know, as a Best Fitness Friend client, I am available to you 24/7 through email, texting, Facebook, phone calls-whatever you need – I am here for you.  I will help motivate you to work out, using the plan we develop together, I will advise you on nutrition and I will bug you to stick to it-I will be totally committed to your success!

*See below for info on acquiring additional services or sessions

Additional Services/Sessions:

 My intention is to support you in a variety of ways as you work to attain your health and fitness goals. I like keeping my fees low, while at the same time, offering resources for you to use as you take this journey of making life-changing, sustainable, and life-long choices.

In order to balance the two I have come up with the following description of services and charges so that you can feel comfortable asking for additional time or use of resources and it’s all up front and clear. These would be sessions you want to add to what is stated on your CA – for example, you would like an occasionally cooking session or extra work outs because of aan upcoming event-say vacation!! Please let me know of any additional services you feel would be helpful to you or others and I would be happy to consider them.   Be well and make good choices~Your Bff

Add on Services offered: Cost=$?each

Extra work out session: This is for the occasion when you want to add work out sessions (or extra time to a scheduled session) beyond the number (avg. 8/month) that are part of the Coaching Agreement (CA).  At the beginning of your training or at critical times, or whenever you just ‘feel like it’! These sessions will be added to the following month’s invoice. 1 hour

Cooking session (or Fully prepared meals*): We make 3-4 recipes. I prep before, and clean up after, and demo or help you cook recipes.  We choose recipes together, or you choose, or leave it up to me, it all works! I provide instruction, the space, take home containers, and many of the ingredients.  You will provide some pre-determined ingredients, such as the protein. 1 ½ – 2 hrs (*If we agree to YourBff preparing meals for you we will discuss the details. Generally, I prepare a full meal or more for you, depending on the arrangements we have made together. I purchase/provide the ingredients and do all the prepping/cooking/clean up. Meals will come in throw away containers-no mess/worries for you!)

Pantry Cleanse:  I will come to your home and help you clean out your pantry/freezer/refrigerator to reflect healthier choices.  This is offered to new clients as a session in their beginning month, but you can choose to do it later in your journey as well. Takes about 1 hou

Grocery Store Party: I will take a trip to the grocery store you typically shop at and help you make healthy choices; we look at labels and compare products and talk about choices.  Takes about 1 hour

Work out equipment: This will allow you to borrow equipment so you can: try it out before purchasing your own; use equipment for short periods of time- ie., as you progress from light weights to heavier weights; to use while you take a break from training, or while unable to meet with me (trip, etc).  Your account will be charged $20 the month following (min. cost of most weights-I will charge more if cost of weights warrants). When you return the equipment, you can borrow the next size weight or I will credit your account for half the amount originally charged. You can also decide to keep the weights-you’ve already paid for them! I will do my best to have on hand or acquire the equipment you are interested in working with.

I am here for you.  As I mentioned, my main goal is your success, this plan just helps me keep a balance and allows me to loan and replace equipment as warranted. It also gives you the opportunity to try some equipment before you buy ;0). Additionally, it is a known fact that we value things more if we make an investment. This sort of guarantees that you will USE these items.


Now that you have a thorough look into Your Bff, please commit to a Healthier Lifestyle and let me help you on your journey!  Call, email or text today to find out what to do NEXT!


Waiting to hear from you, Your Bff

Happier, more fit, healthier, stronger, more capable!