I just finished reading an article that started out by saying the word ‘Diet’ doesn’t need to be a dirty word. This is true.  It is also true that everyone is on a diet.  If you look it up, the first definition is: the food that a person or animal usually consumes.  To me, the word ‘usually’ is very important.  Most of us would see patterns in our eating habits if we kept close track of what we put in our mouths.  Those eating patterns may be connected to:  how often, what times of day, what types of food, or what prompts us– to eat.  The patterns in when, what, and why we eat can hold important information about what type of food plan we should choose in order to reach the goals we have set.  Many of us are currently struggling to get a handle on our eating after the holidays, or as a result of a New Year’s resolution-so let’s figure this out together.

So what is the difference between a Diet and a Food Plan?  As mentioned, a diet is what we usually consume, a food plan is what we plan or choose to consume.  Big difference.  I want to help you make better choices for a healthier life, so you can feel better, live longer, and have more fun, so here are some thoughts to consider.

Think about what kind of eater you are, and what you like to eat.  If you love to nosh on snack type foods that are crunchy and salty (like me) or have trouble saying no to dessert, you are a junk food eater.  A food plan where no foods are off limits, but healthy swaps are incorporated might work best for you.  Try something like Weight Watchers if you feel you need some coaching or accountability. If you struggle with portion control (like me) and want to “eat until you drop” because it tastes so good, then you are a food lover.  You may want a plan that allows you to eat several smaller meals that incorporate a wide variety of foods that are also filling.  The South Beach Diet plan is an easy one to follow, it incorporates snacks and good “swaps”, by focusing on fruits and vegetables and lean protein choices.  Do you eat more, as in quantity, or less healthy when you feel stressed or unhappy?  Then you are the emotional eater who would do well with most food plans, the key for you is accountability, staying connected with a coach or group of friends.  The mindless muncher is someone who grazes all day long, without thinking much about what they are eating or if they need to eat.  A well-structured plan with fewer choices would help in this situation.  Commercial Meal replacement plans like Jenny Craig or Nutrisystems may be helpful, too.

Think about when you eat; you may have habits that need to be broken.  Some of us start out with good choices but lose control later in the day.  Others start the day with the wrong choices, setting themselves up for a roller coaster ride the rest of the day, with blood sugar spikes and energy spurts and depletion tossing them around all day long.  Once you acknowledge these habits and the havoc they are wreaking, you can take ownership and replace them with good habits.

Think about why you eat.  As mentioned above, you should consider whether there are emotional triggers for your food choices and habits, as they contribute greatly to any struggles you may have.  However, I encourage you to educate yourself about why you eat, what impact food and its nutrients (or lack of nutrients) has on your body, brain and mood. As I mentioned in a previous post, discovering and understanding the science behind eating and food choices appealed to my intelligence.  It made sense and I understood the effects of the foods I was providing to my body. And, I had to acknowledge that they were all MY choices.  It helped me begin to take control, instead of the food and the act of eating controlling me.

So, as you continue on in your quest for a better you, stop and consider carefully when, what and why you eat. I guarantee that it is worth your time, and perhaps a few extra dollars, because the choices you make and the habits you establish will result in a healthier and happier you.

I commend you for taking steps toward achieving a better lifestyle by investing your time in learning about better choices. I would love to assist you as you continue this venture! I want to hear your story and learn more about how I can help you continue to make better choices for a healthy lifestyle by becoming ‘Your Best Fitness Friend’! Email me or comment below so we can get started!

For more on what type of eater you are, this may be helpful.