One Pizza Does Not ‘Fit’ All

I cannot do anything about the fries and the chips-they just really don’t have a place in a healthy food plan (other than as a ‘cheat’ treat).  However, I do think there are some good alternatives for those pizza cravings. Here are a few of my...

Are You Stuck in a Fitness RUT?

Are you happy with your current level of fitness? Do any of these statements apply to you? I eat healthy and exercise, but I am not seeing the results I expected I plan on going to the gym, but something always comes up to keep me from getting there When I get to the...

Mastering Our Minds

I have a private group page on Facebook and today I noticed some real struggles being expressed.  It always makes me sad to see this, I like to see people succeeding and feeling good, however, I also know that this is a reality, for my friends, and sometimes, for me....

Support for the SPICES of LIFE!

As we conclude this month of LOVE and our series of a “Month of 3s” I am sharing this important article. It is a good reminder or guide (depending on your status) of what a healthy relationship can (and should) look like. If you happened to check out an...