A Few of My Favorite Things (Snack version)
Thankfully, Halloween is behind us, but the holiday season is ahead. Ditch the halloween candy and set your sights on better snacks to get back on track before the holiday season sets in! Here are a few of 'My Favorite Things' (from the world's best snacker!) Nuts and...
I’ve been where you are…
t I've been where you are. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Frustrated. Angry. Annoyed. Depressed. Fed up. Lost. Scared. Alone. Disappointed. Embarrassed. I put on the fake smile. I bought clothes that hid my discomfort. I beat myself up verbally every night for not making...
How Do You Get All Those Veggies In?
I probably don't need to tell you how important vegetables are....your mom has probably told you a million times. However, I WILL just remind you, as a friend 🙂 , how helpful vegetables are to those of us who are actively losing (or desperately trying to maintain)...
February ‘Love Your Body’ Bff Challenge!
Ok, so I have given up….. Sometimes it happens. What you want to have happen, just isn’t happening. However, in this instance, it may not be so disappointing, LOL. What I have NOT given up on is my health journey, and NOT YOURS either!! It's just that I have realized...
Ready For a New Year? Here is a S.M.A.R.T. Approach!
So, I am on the war path against New Year’s Resolutions! My husband is the only person I have EVER met who has been able to find success in this tradition, and that’s probably because he approaches it in a non-traditional way that ‘suits’ him. He has an...
TFtT:The Truth About Protein
So back in college when a professor gave me packet of ‘supplemental’ materials to read, they were not a replacement for the textbook I had purchased for a small fortune. Much to my dismay, this was information I was supposed to learn IN ADDITION TO the material from...