21 Days of Habit Hacks-Day #1
Welcome to 21 days of Habit Hacks, where you can find one or several ideas for making better choices for a healthier lifestyle! As I have mentioned before, research suggests that it takes 21 days of consistently practicing a behavior to make it a part of your...
Help with Hacking Your Habits
Help with Hacking your Habits Good Monday Morning!! I just returned from a weekend with my family….so fun, but so difficult to stay on track with my food and exercise!! (And it’s just the beginning of the ‘holiday season’!?) It made me think about how important it...
The 30 minute Life Hack
One of the biggest challenges with incorporating exercise into our daily routine is just getting STARTED. Knowing what to start with and having equipment are two other stumbling blocks. Stumble no more!! Use this infographic to get started TODAY-right now! You do...
More Questions? They Might Change Your Mind!
More Questions?? I don’t ask my clients questions with the intention of judging their answers; I ask questions that help me understand them better. They are actually questions we should all ask ourselves occasionally. What makes you happy? What makes you excited?...
Side Note to Habit Hacking
I will get back to the Habit Hacking series later today.....but, I came across a really good article that I wanted to share! For those of you reading and either looking for some incentives or encouragement to 'keep on truckin''- or if you are new to this endeavor and...
Life Happens
So…Life Happens In the past week I have dealt with a major altercation between my little Jack Russell Terrier and a skunk, a broken washing machine (and a flooded laundry room) and a nasty head and now chest cold-Ha! Life does happen! It gets in the way of the things...