Favorite Recipes – Skinny Spaghetti
Hey Friends! I have had lots of requests for sharing some of my favorite recipes, so I thought I would make them available here. That way you can feel free to peruse other articles while you are at it! Enjoy! Italian Style Spaghetti Squash-aka-Skinny Spaghetti...
Tips from Your Favorite Trainer!
Hey Friends! I just had someone ask how to get started on their fitness journey and thought the little list of 'starters' might help a few other friends! Here they are: (pick one, or a couple and stick to it for 1-2 weeks, then add another-you don't need to try to...
I Know, the Struggle is REAL!
So, I spent too much time this morning talking myself into, and then out of, going to the gym. In case you think I am only sympathetic to your struggle, please know I am FOR REAL, and feel your pain! A few things pushed me toward the calling (of the gym), so I went....
Who is Your BFF?
In the event that you are either purposefully searching, or have 'stumbled' upon Your Best Fitness Friend, this document is a pretty detailed explanation of how I approach helping people in their journey to a healthier self. Don’t be overwhelmed by the length or...
Are You Ready to Make a ‘Switch’?
Happy New Year Friends! Are you like me, taking time to evaluate the changes you may want to make as you finish this year and begin a new one? I am currently reading the book ‘Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard’ by Dan and Chip Heath. I am hoping it will...
Happy Holidays from Your Best Fitness Friend!
This certificate entitles you to 5 (+1 free) sessions of Personal Training and Health Coaching with a Certified Personal Trainer @ Your Best Fitness Friend $150 for 5 sessions, +1 FREE session (Dec. 2017 FB Holiday Special)...